Tuesday, July 31, 2007

remember the tooth...

tristan lost his first tooth--yes he'll be five in ten days. he feigned believing in the tooth fairy "i just wanted a dollar". i was skeptical that he really believed it but went along anyway. tabitha was taken hook, line and sinker. albeit he had a very complex tooth fairy story involving intricate tooth removal (from under the pillow) systems. she allegedly had a castle and (well i forget why she actually wanted the teeth). you get the picture he contrived this whole story based on pbs legend. he confessed and just wanted a dollar.

i love my boy--manipulative though he may be. don't feel sorry for his innocence lost. he has a strong harry potter belief and the star wars cult is well within his understanding. yes many things are magic in this life but they don't have to be contrived by me or any other portion of society. they can be magic just because he says they are.

anyway HE is magic and that is all that matters.


  1. Well said Karl...they do amaze.

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I'm sure most kids pretend to believe long after they know better, just for the cash value.

  3. woody, thanks

    pablo, glad to hear from you

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Tell him Uncle Matt is the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and see what he says to that! How did he become so manipulative? Hmmm...

  5. Congrats to Tristan!!

    My kids are 17 and 18 and they still swear that Santa Claus is alive and well, just to get the loot. I told them about ten years ago that if Santa doesn't exist, he can't bring gifts. That was said when the kid's younger cousins were 4 and 5 years old and I didn't want my kids to "spill the beans". Watch what you say to them because sometimes they do remember it!!

    My husband's best friend (Unmarried and no children)was the tooth fairy for my son one time. He left a $20 bill for him. Imagine the disappointment on the next lost tooth when we were in charge of the tooth fairy and he only got $1!!!!!!

    Great post. My kids are still magical even though they are both adults now.



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