Sunday, August 12, 2007

one local summer week #7

eggs in hell

omelay fresh eggs
local 50 mile pasta
zero mile pasta sauce
100 mile sour dough
zero mile garlic and butter
fresh milk

of course we had omelay pico de gallo and chips for an appetizer.

the eggs are poached in spaghetti sauce and poured on the pasta. simple and cheap.

that meal cost us very little except the hard work to have this little farmstead.
the girls (chickens) fend for themselves this time of year. nimue pays for herself in sold extra milk and the spaghetti sauce is is from our garden. water and propane are the only things paid for to raise and cook this meal.

next year we plan to completely offset our seed purchase. alas that is for another post.

garden cost breakdown
water bill increase $35 per month
gas for tiller $10 all summer
soaker hoses and repair kits $40
string and extras. $10
seeds and starts $75

water $ 140
seeds $ 75
gas $ 10
hoses $ 40
string$ 10

garden disposable cost $275

differed costs
tiller $700
cattle panels $130
fence posts $200

ok already, it's a life style. it pays off because the quality and caliber of this food just isn't available here.


  1. Wow! Look at those tomatoes! I'm hoping, but I won't hold my breath that I get that kind of harvest.

  2. I have that exact scene in my garage on a workbench. Sooooooo many tomatoes. Your meal looks great.

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    funny, I almost typed the exact thing wendy typed! WOW. I'm getting lots of small orange and red "cherry" style tomatoes, but my larger varieties are all still green. I can't wait, but we just don't get those 95+ temps here much. In fact, it's been downright cool (50-75 degree range) here in Sebastopol. But it's supposed to warm up this weekend into the low 90s.
    Your meal sounds delicious... yesterday, I had a fine salad from my garden - tomatoes, spinach, lettuce type greens, a yellow zucchini, boiled egg (from our chickens), cucumber, an artichoke that came from my garden, chives and italian parsley. But then, I had California chicken marinated in various herbs (only the basil was mine) with balsamic vinegar (ok, that came from Trader Joe's!) and some ranch dressing (not sure where that is from).

    I wish I had all the goodies you guys have but then, I certainly don't have the time or resources to do all the work you guys do! I admire that effort SO much. It's really inspired me to try to grow things and shop locally... I just can't seem to completely ditch TJ's, though.

  4. I love your tomato picture!

  5. omg karl, that meal looks so delicious! and those tomatoes!! i'm very envious..heheh gorgeous!

    oh, and it's hot here too now...100 on my shaded front porch today..whew!! stay cool!

  6. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I am so jealous that we can't eat gluten!


The golden rule applies here...