Sunday, September 30, 2007

bovine drugs

nimue is on banamine (bovine pain killers) and eating and drinking wonderfully. now, if we can just keep her from contracting the secondary infection (pneumonia) we are in the clear. whew, if we survive the vet bills. we'll be back on top again.

thanks everyone that prayed and kept us in their thoughts. we are doing so much better. we were exploring the depths of depression and things looked bleak. the collective consciousness of prayer and well wishes really worked.

thank you, thank you, everyone that has kept us close to their heart

pablo all we need and already received are your well wishes.


  1. Wow, I'm so glad she's improving! Prayers shall continue...

  2. Good news Karl..

  3. I am am so glad to read that Nim is improving. I've had her and your family on my mind all weekend. How is Boca handling all of this?


  4. Oh, I am so sorry for all the stress your family has been enduring of late. I am glad she is doing better. Sending more positive energy for continual improvement!

  5. So glad it's not as dire as originally thought. Thank goodness for second opinions!

    Revel in the beauty of life—the little miracles of nature and love are the talismans against depression, and you're surrounded by them. Hold them close in times like this.

    In loving kindness...

  6. I am so sorry to hear about Nim. She seems such an integral part of your family it's good to hear it's not as dire as it first seemed. I'm thinking good bovine thoughts.

  7. so sorry to hear about your cow. When one goes down we all go down. Its so darn exhausting... I had a pig down last month. No clue what to do. The first vet useless. But like you the second vet was more helpful. BUt doesn't take away the fact that you still had to pay the first. Vets aren't all knowing from what i'm learning. and the best defense is you and your computer. I'm so glad to hear that she is doing better. I just came across this article. which is linked to blue tongue (which is really rare i thought cattle to get)...

  8. I'm so happy to hear that everyone is on the mend. It's not hard for me to understand how important Nimue is to your family. Thank goodness you were able to get that second opinion.

  9. I'm glad to hear things are looking up! I'll keep her in my thoughts.

  10. thanks everyone, we have been scrambling to cover the vet bills. if we make it through tomorrow at one pm we'll avoid any bounced checks. it is looking like we'll just squeak by. i guess i should have taken the vet up on his offer of thirty days to pay the final bill.

  11. I'm so glad to hear she is feeling a bit better! Do you know the name of the illness she had? I'd love to do a little herbal research for you to see what may help to nourish her and build her back up...

  12. Wait... I just found it... blue tongue disease... I'll look into it...

  13. Sorry to take so long to reply, but it sounds like Nimue is going well already! Well, other than gorging herself on grains, but I'm glad she is OK!!
    What I found about Blue Tongue is that once they have made it through the medications, it's simple the same restoratives that we wold give ourselves after a virus... gentle herbal tonic such as Nettles, Dandelion, Alfalfa, and even some of the medicinal mushrooms to help strengthen the immunity (like shiitaki and reishi).

  14. I stumbled across your blog looking for a picture of Alfalfa from the Little Rascals. After reading a bit, I find myself really touched by your family and hope Nimue pulls through. Oh, and I really like how your bathroom is coming along. I wish you and your family a healthy and happy 2008.

    Much metta,



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