Wednesday, November 28, 2007

sinus infection

we went to silver dollar city saturday and all i got was this lousy sinus infection. the kids touch everything whenever we go anywhere. if there is an illness they will ferret it out. i try my best to remind them that touching everything is a guaranteed way to get sick. they can't help themselves. i guess we need to stop going anywhere.

we had a blast at the amusement park. tabitha went on most of the rides with the kids. i hung out with toly. tabitha did try to take toly on the frog hopper ride. he loved it until they started the ride. he freaked out and the ride had to be promptly stopped. toly was very cute hanging out between my legs when mommy was off with the older kids.

i look forward to the new baby because that means toly comes over to the dark side. he's mine all mine. he's already a daddies boy. first words "da da." most used words "da da."

since i've been sick i have been watching movies. ratatouille is a great movie. care about what you eat was the message that i took away from it. something that we encourage around here. i gotta go lay back down.


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Hope you get well soon, Karl!

  2. Sinus infection = no fun! I hope you're much better very soon ;).

  3. Best cure for a sinus infection? (I'm a chornic sufferer....) Warm water, salt, baking soda all mixed up in a weakish solution (taste it, you'll know if it is too strong) of about 1/2 tsp each + 2 cups of water and then inhale it up your nose and spit it out your mouth (or back out your nose if you are too stuffed...)

    Repeat until it is all cleaned out.

    A DO gave me that as a prescription once. I was skeptical, but it works and I feel better within 12 hours.

  4. Get better.. I have been caring for a house of sick folks this whole week. Tis the season. :(

  5. I hope you feel better soon, Karl. I get these infections frequently so I know how bad they can be. I hope you get some rest.


  6. Can anyone say "Wild Turkey"?? I've heard Bourbon will get your sinus' draining and sleeping is gauranteed!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Hypochondriac! Take Danielle's advice!

  8. Sorry to hear your under the weather again! But congrats on your impending news—how exciting!


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