Friday, December 14, 2007

new computer ahoy

it just arrived. i plugged it in and it just worked. it found our wireless internet, and here i am. whoo hoo!!! lots has happened but the big news is we are expecting several inches of snow tonight. the kids have new sleds and are brandishing them at the slightest sign of precipitation. i hope to have wonderful snowy photos tomorrow. i am so excited about the new computer that i don't know where to start--just staring at the huge monitor seems to be enough right now. the kids are blown away by this thing. i'll be back very soon


  1. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Awesome! I prayed you would get a new one soon so I wouldn't have to miss another of Tabitha's awesome birth stories.

  2. I can totally relate to your new computer buzz.....I got one a coupla months ago and I still can't believe the size of the monitor.
    Have fun!!!


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