Thursday, December 20, 2007

promises, promises

the local weather people have let me down yet another time. the promise of snow (sled-able snow) and just the slightest dusting occurred. i know that there were many in the collective conscious rooting against me. we have kids and we want to sled. we want to build snowmen and snow women. we want to have snow ball fights. we want to perform the aforementioned at least once per winter.

it is a sad thing when two small children have brand-new shiny-red sleds and no place to go.


  1. Awe! I just pictured the kidlets all dressed, boots and mittens on the proper body parts, sitting in their sleds in front of the window. Sad indeed. It will happen and i'll happily send you some from Colorado if it pleases you. ;)

  2. I am sure it will snow soon! Poor little kids!!!


  3. Here's adding a crap load to the collective consciousness that you do get bunches and bunches of snow!! I remember being disapointed so often as a kid in the South when it never snowed; I love it too. Congrats on your new 'puter too!

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Ah, but the winter is young! Actually it hasn't quite the kids have plenty of time to experience snow this winter. We had several inches until 2 days ago. The kids had a ball!

  5. Hey, Karl. The kid in me wishes it would snow like crazy, at least 24" or so. I still remember the 24" snow we had in MN on October 31st one year when I was a kid... twas great fun!

    The boring adult in me, on the other hand, feels a few dustings like the one we just got would be just fine. :)


  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


The golden rule applies here...