Friday, January 25, 2008

rough and tumble

this guy really is rough and tumble

kassi is pretty rough but here she is just tumble

one of the few times he is tumble without the rough

just cute, playing some role playing game of their invention.

for my record---->
i had to refill the wood box on the front porch. it has been really cold. i also used about half of the rick of wood by the barn. the wood is comprised of smallish sticks from the branches of the large trees that i sold last spring. it burns very hot and has about cooked us out of the house on this extremely cold day.


  1. WOW Toly looks so grown up!

    Love the new masthead too.

  2. Love the new title picture!

  3. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Rough and tumble just like Dad! And, yes, great new masthead! Love that cow for me, huh?


The golden rule applies here...