Thursday, January 31, 2008


The panoramas* continue


it snowed this morning!

more to come this afternoon. let the long awaited sledding ensue.

*advanced use of the above panorama. it will show up very skinny and is a link. if you click on the panorama image another larger image will appear. on most windows machines it will automatically size it to fit your open window. click on it again and it will zoom to intended size. if you then use the slider across the bottom you can move back and forth. that will give you the illusion of standing in the center of the panorama and turning left and right as you slide respectively. try it you'll feel like you are standing in our road looking at our house.


  1. that was cool. i would have wanted to cross the road and see more.

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    It has been snowing here a couple of hours. For some reason, I envisioned that you lived on a gravel road. I was startled to see you live on a blacktop with lines! LOL!

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    i can remember as a child the anticipation overnight as the snow silently covered the world. Very exciting to make footprints everywhere.

  4. Yea! That was great! Glad ya'll got some snow; maybe we will before winter is over.

  5. Love the pic! Annie really knows that we are never going to have snow again, ever!

  6. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Woohoo! We want to see pitures of everybody sledding and snow covered livestock! How did they fair anyway?

  7. tristan loves the snow. he was begging to go out at 6:30am. i let him. he just came in at 7:15am--frozen.

    yesterday we sledded down the back toward the ravine. he had a blast. up and down the hill. sorry no photos.

    we were beginning to wonder if we were going to get ANY snow. i wish there were a mountain range near enough to take the kids snow boarding, or at least one of those big tobaggon runs.

    sadly we do live on a fairly large road. although dsl is barely available on this road. i'd hate to think what satellite internet would cost if we lived further off the beaten path. the main reason this road is so busy is there is an excellent fishing spot, marina and boat launch at the end of our road.

    snow IS exciting business.

  8. Anonymous11:56 PM

    No pictures? You're fired. Send the children to Santa Barbara.

  9. Karl ~ I thought you lived on a "dirt road", too! LOL!

    That is a great panorama. I truly enjoy your blog, as I have said before.

    I hope you all get to have more fun in the snow. (We had an ice storm last evening and we can't even stand up outside right now it is so slippery.)

  10. Really great picture!


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