Friday, March 21, 2008

spring farm report

hens are laying fourteen large eggs consistently.

onions are in and sending new shoots.

garlic is doing great.

some beets, chard and greens are planted--nothing up yet.

just planted tons of sun-chokes, thanks tansy.

seedlings are doing well.

winter garden stores are holding steady.

there is three and a half cord of oak cut and ready for next winter.

back fence is still in the queue. this weekend or bust, honest i swear..

full moon, we need to plant the rest of the beets this afternoon.

bees are an infectiously exciting flurry of activity.

both cows are still pregnant. no milk from the pile.

the cat is huge and pregnant. there will be kittens very soon.

the root cellar is very close to being closed up.

the bathroom is also very close to being done.

we went through three cord of wood this winter--including the wood still on the porch.

no progress on the milking barn for a while.

the milk shed still needs to be painted and trimmed.

the bean arches need to be moved and that area needs a good tilling.

yard garden beds need to be dug and prepared.

raspberries need to be transplanted.

solar water heater needs to be started.

there is still about three yards of compost waiting to go into the garden. two more yards are about 1/2 and 1/4 complete respectively. i have to set up two more compost bins. the cows are manure machines--i can barely keep up. when we get them on the back pasture that manure will get spread by the chickens. we'll start feeding the cows a small amount of whole grains. it passes through the cows and the chickens learn very quickly to spread out the manure in search of grain. a thin layer of manure will go a long way to fertilizing that back pasture. by the time we move the cows to the new pasture i should have a large queue of compost waiting.

the rest of the house is stirring--more later.


  1. It's so exciting to read about the flurry of springness down your way. We're still under a blanket (albeit a rapidly more "thread bare" blanket :) of snow, although we've seen the Canadian geese out in the salt marsh, and I heard reports of a robin sighting. Oh, and we're sugaring :)! So, spring is here. Everything is just a little slower to wake up in these parts ;).

  2. What a list. Good to see everything is coming along. I feel like my list keeps compiling but like an old farmer told me the other day, "if you get things exactly like you want them, then its time to die." I don't know if I feel that way, but I know you should always try to improve your techniques and knowledge. I really do want some bees.

  3. You have been busy!! Spring is such an exhilirating season. Love reading your list. I was making a list in my head today of what has been done and what still needs to be done. Your list has reminded me of a few things I had forgotten. Thanks!!


  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    The cat's pregnant?!?!?

  5. Spring has sprung! No matter how much one prepares, it's always such a frenzy. A nice change of pace after winter though. :)



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