Wednesday, March 05, 2008

st. louis

we are off for testing to st. louis for toly. C.F. , celiac, and allergies among others. i am depressed about the possibility of C.F.

pray for us.


---- update ----

upper G.I. this morning--another one. fecal testing for the usual suspects, assuming we can get a stool sample. new doctor seems competent. in his preliminary opinion, he says C.F. doesn't seem likely. although we'll test for everything.

the biggest trouble is, toly's medicine is working full force. he isn't really presenting any of the bad symptoms. it's kinda like taking a car to the mechanic and it doesn't act up. there was some miscommunication and a weird diagnosis tangent. i think we are making some headway here.

tansy, our host, has been fabulous. when we arrived late there was a hot bowl if split pea soup and corn bread waiting for us. her warm relaxing home is a comfort in the midst of this storm.

children's hospital st. louis is great. everything has exceeded our expectations.

thanks for your prayers and good thoughts. they seem to be working.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Keeping everyone in your family in my prayers.

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I'm hoping for the best for your little boy.

  3. Ya'll will be in mine, karl.

  4. Yes, I will pray for you guys. May it be an easy and true diagnosis with a no-big-deal answer.

  5. I will be praying. (Hugs) to the Pile.

  6. Most certainly our prayers are with your son and for the rest of your family.


  7. our prayers are with you as you move through this difficult time!

  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Praying for Toly. Are you at Children's? That is an excellent hospital and you will be well taken care of.

  9. have a safe journey here. there will be a warm meal waiting.

  10. Keeping you all in my payers.

  11. My prayers are with your family. Peace

  12. Sending you all healthy, healing thoughts. Everything will be fine. Take care.

  13. Sending you all healthy, healing thoughts. Everything will be fine. Take care.

  14. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, especially little T.

  15. Hope everything goes well. I've been having tests myself this week (despite an almost complete absence of symptoms they seem determined to keep testing until they get a positive result for diabetes!) - can't imagine what Toly must be feeling like going through so many more tests than that and being so young. Glad to hear the hospital seem competent, that's very important to know and feel reassured. Hope you're all holding up well and not getting too bored or frustrated. Take care.

  16. Glad to hear you found a competent doctor. 1 good diagnosis is worth a lot more than 10 bad ones. Hope all goes well, and ya'll can find out what's going on.


  17. I know how it is to have a sick baby, and just not know. It can be frustrating, but it sounds like you're in good hands. Sending positive light and energy your way!

  18. I'll be thinking of your family.

  19. You know Karl, my niece went through almost the exact same things you're describing and they suspected the same CF or celiac. She did have a mild case of cerebral palsy due to a difficult birth. My sister put her on all kinds of dietary regimens but actually as she got older the symptoms became less and less and now she has no problems. Hang in there, hopefully they will eventually narrow it down.


The golden rule applies here...