Thursday, April 03, 2008

new cow

we just confirmed the purchase of a new jersey (in milk). yes we have two cows--but not really. one of our cows is owned by our friends. we are her care takers. we dried her up cause she is due very soon. i look forward to her freshening soon--fresh cream in my coffee again.

anyway, the new cow (yet to be named) will arrive tomorrow. we are getting her from a friend--whom we trust. she is bred back via AI to a show jersey bull--fingers crossed for a heifer. she is due in late fall after our cow, nimue. we'll be in the milk then..

we have been working on fence around here, as best we can. the rain thwarts our every other attempt. we'll need more pasture for all these cows--at least pooping space. it's raining now else i'd take photos. tomorrow it is supposed to let up for the weekend. hooray!!!!! i'll be fencing and working on my root cellar.

the new baby is definitely a boy. whoo hoooo the toilet seat stays up--the boys outweigh the girls(just kidding). we are going to name him romneya (it'll be Rome for short). the kids already call him baby rome-rome.

i laid tile all day today at bobs. i have a helper now. in true bob fashion the tile were all surplus. i have to make something out of a pile of discarded tile. i finished about thirty square feet of tile after spending a few hours planning, measuring and imagining. in my minds eye it should look great. such a huge challenge but great fun at the same time.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Tell me again, when is Rome-Rome due?

  2. i'm hoping for a bit of dry weather too so we can do fencing and gardening!

  3. congrats!
    boys are so much easier to raise! i have 7 sons, and consider myself somewhat of an expert! lol
    i adore my daughters but they are awfully high maintenance!
    continuing to send good thoughts for a blissful pregnancy and easy delivery!

  4. Geeze-louise! You're gonna have three and I can't even find one!

    How much acreage are you running them on?

  5. Blessings abound~! congratulations on the cow front and the boy front! Toilet seat not funny! Middle of the night fall ins are never fun...

  6. How come only guys have to look first?

    Are you doing rotational grazing with the cows? How much room do you figure you need?

    I think I'll stick with goats, though. Volume has it's merits, but like they say, when a cow kicks you, you stay kicked......



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