Sunday, August 31, 2008

gooey comb squish

we harvested one of our supers and let the kids squish the comb. this honey is for personal use so hygiene isn't really an issue beyond a good scrub down first.

toly didn't feel like getting his hands that dirty.

we learned many lessons

mostly we just had fun

before we started squishing the honey we let the kids gorge themselves on honey comb.

it was so tasty. the kids normally just tolerate honey but they loved this stuff.

it is the perfect kid activity squishing honey.

this hive didn't have any extra honey. two hive bodies full. nearly double the required amount to over winter.

gooey squishy fun

i have to move the hive locations because the tree above them is loosing huge branches and needs to come down. it was struck by lightning a few storms ago.

the bees shouldn't have any trouble making it through the winter. we'll leave two hive bodies per hive. that will be plenty so we probably won't need to feed them at any time. our hives should be really strong for next year.

i also learned that i want to use smaller supers for honey collection. this will be a winter of getting prepared for next year.

i also want to try beequick to get the bees off the supers for easy harvesting next year.

gathered knowledge
- - small supers for honey
- - harvest more often
- - keep them from swarming at all costs in the spring.
- - get in the bees more often
- - make a bee tool box to hold all necessary tools
- - ask more questions from beesource bee keeping forums

i received an award for a great blog home is...
i read her blog as often as i read any--which varies greatly on my allowable time. i really appreciate the way she obviously respects her husband and family. i especially like the nickname she gave her husband. the first person that comments what it is will get a special present.



  1. Is it "Deus Ex Machina"????

  2. P.S. I gorged on honey comb yesterday as well! We didn't get much honey but enough for our personal use. Hopefully next year will be better. I'm glad you guys had fun harvesting!!! Did baby Rome swing in the hammock while you were harvesting?

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Good times. I hope you had a hose handy.


  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Did I win the present? No? Darn. Good. squishy fun! Whatcha gonna do with the wax? The Little Ones can use it to make a mold for a bronze casting of their favorite uncle.

  5. Look at that honey! I'm so jealous! My grandpa had bees, and he used to pull the comb out, drop it in a gallon-sized jar and just let it drain itself. It was such a huge treat to go to grandma's house and bring home (we lived a nine hour drive south of them) a jar. Chewing the honey out of the comb was just the best! My husband keeps talking about getting bees, and I so hope he does!

    Thanks for the nice things you said. I'm very lucky to have such a great guy and such wonderful children. I'm glad it shows in what I write, because it's true ;).

    Glad to hear everyone is feeling better. As always, I wish you guys all the best. You and Tabitha are an inspiration! And you totally deserved the award ;).

  6. man oh man!! Just look at all that sticky honey!! About how much honey did you get from that one super?

    No bees for us, but the husband has been talking about it lately, so maybe in the next couple of years we will go that route. For now, we buy our honey from a local guy down the road from us.

  7. Wow, that's a lot of honey! I see bees all over around here... wish I could get my hands on a bit of that honey they're making. :)

    I'm glad things are settling down for you guys.

    I probably would have had Toly's expression on my face about squishing that honey (at least initially). Abby, on the other hand, would have been happily up to her elbows in it. :)

    Take it easy man,


The golden rule applies here...