Sunday, August 24, 2008


i have been struck down. the factors are;

new baby
tabitha's wisdom teeth extraction (and why do they call it that?)
summer colds household wide
toly's ear infection
slaughtering chickens without tabithas help
and i'm going back to work tomorrow

i can't get a thing done. i was trying to sneak in painting the last bee super and got into trouble because i obviously wasn't prioritizing properly. the bees have been swarming and i was just trying to reduce some of their internal pressure. my bad...

i have so much to say and there many thanks to be given i'm still ruined. i'll be back in earnest as soon as i can.

my next post will have plenty of photos of the new baby and our little farm


  1. Hang in there, Karl. Man, you have a lot going on. So sorry you are overwhelmed. It will all work out in the end.

    Take care!


  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Hang in there, K!

    I'll keep coming back.

  3. Lng distance hugs to you Karl! Fullest plate I've ever read about - I know it will all balance out eventually. I hope your bees come back soon!

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sending some good thoughts your way!

  5. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sending some good thoughts your way!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Having been struck down many times myself, I have to say... hang in there, man. The baby won't be new for too long, the colds will subside, Tabitha will be able to help soon, and going off to work just might give you a chance to think about things.

    Oh, they call it wisdom tooth extraction because... we all have this little spring of wisdom in us, and the teeth block it, see? Well, when they remove those teeth, wisdom pours forth in abundance, and all problems are solved. So, cheer up man! As soon as the swelling subsides, the wisdom will gush out. Or not. Point is... uh...

    Well, hope things go well soon. You've got a lot going on. Don't worry about the small stuff (and everything is small stuff). :)

    Take it easy,

  8. Anonymous12:21 AM

    As always, black gun powder. Talk to you soon! Hang in there!

  9. As someone with 4 kids too.....I feel your pain. The 4th kid about put us over the edge. Hang in there, it does get easier but it takes time. For us 3 was easy but 4 was REALLY hard! You guys really just had that sweet babe and life is just nutty now. It will ease up just keep plodding along and do what you can. Sometimes that is just all we can do.

  10. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Keep the faith. You're in our prayers.

  11. Ahh ... this brings out the mother in me and makes me wish I could make it all better for you. {{hugs}}

  12. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Please PLEASE try to find a way to remember how very lucky you are! Four babes and a wife? What fortune!

  13. rome just had x-rays. his lungs are gurgling. we'll know the results this afternoon.

  14. Anonymous5:41 PM

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers.


  15. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Wisdom teeth got the name because they were the last teeth to erupt, hence you were (in theory)old enough to have gained some wisdom.

  16. Argh... I never know what to say...

    I'm hoping the results were good, and hoping that things are feeling brighter.

    Things will change! Of that, I'm certain. Not always for the better, and certainly not always for the worse... but I try to remember that change is inevitable when things hit their low points.

    Take care,

  17. pneumonia, right upper lobe. not as bad as i could be--i guess.

  18. rome has his own log-in because he has his own gmail account with new photos. i filled mine up already.



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