Monday, September 29, 2008

pray for our cow

yet again our cow is sick--choking on an apple. there is almost nothing to be done except pray. she's at the vets right now. we'll know more in the morning. prospects are very bleak.

thanks in advance for your prayers and good thoughts.

she's still alive but not out of the woods completely yet. apple is out but risk of secondary infection is still pretty high.


  1. Oh no! I will keep your pile - cow and all - in my prayers.

  2. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Hi, Karl.

    I was here an hour ago from Ed Abbey's and tried to post a comment, but the dial-up where I live in Missouri is acting up.

    I know it's trite to say, but you, your family and your cow are in my prayers. I've asked for God's blessings on your house and a good outcome from this trial. I know He hears us when we pray expectantly and I know that, as easy as it is for someone not undergoing what you are to say so, He hears us.

    All the best.

  3. Anonymous2:02 AM

    My heart and prayers are here for Rory, her calf, and the whole Pile. We (everybody who reads about your world) will all get through this together.

  4. Oh, I am sorry. Will pray for your cow!

  5. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this!
    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Prayers are being prayed and good vibes sent your direction.

  7. Aww crap Karl...I hate to hear ya'll are having trouble again. Ya'll are definitely in our prayers..


  8. So sorry to hear about your cow. Sending more positive vibes from this direction!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm sending healing, full recovery thoughts your way.

  10. HI I was sad to here about your cow. She is so wonderful and important to your family lots of prayers your way. I had a great time on our visit and hope to see you again much sooner than seven years. Love you all and give hugs to the crew and thank Tabatha for the lovely lunch and warm welcome to your home. Love you all, Laura

  11. Sorry to hear about your cow... I hope she pulls through ok.

    I haven't been reading much other than about the economy lately, just got caught up on what ya'll have been up to. It looks like everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. You guys canned an incredible quantity of apples!

    Take care,

  12. Prayers and ((Hugs)))


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