Thursday, September 25, 2008


i got a cool award. i never know what to say. i'm still amazed that anyone bothers to read my blog.
thank you saille--that umbridge post entertained me greatly also.

i have thought about making my own blog award to hand out to all of your worthy blogs. alas i barely have time to post once in a while.

tabitha just signed me up for facebook. it's kinda like a virtual high school reunion. my jury is still out on it--past, present or future? where does it fit? i like this moment right now... no, no, riiiigghht now... wait wait.... riiiiight now..


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    How about now? How about! I've got caught you enjoying the ride and getting into the updates at Facebook. Told you it was addicting! And, something you can do with a baby in the other arm.
    BTW, FB is past, present and future!Except I don't think they pass out awards.
    Congratulations on yours! And thanks to those who tuned in, recognized your achievements and nominated you. You earned it!

  2. Oh, I am so disturbed by that aspect of Facebook. There are three groups devoted to my elementary school. No kidding. I would prefer some of these people don't find me.

    The sadist in me must point out that, if you get the Flock browser, you can see people's updated status in a sidebar.

  3. I tried FB and found it to be too intrusive. In order to actively participate, I felt like I was constantly telling the world what I was doing right at that moment. And then everyone on my friends list knew what I was doing and then all my friend's friends knew what I was doing. just got to be too much. So with a click of the mouse, I deleted myself and went back to my introverted self. I feel much better.



The golden rule applies here...