Wednesday, October 22, 2008


tabitha decorated the feeder

the kids helped.

my hand prints are there too

we took delivery of some hay

the bank over drew because of it.

the pigs are really growing

toly likes the pigs

i made kombucha today


  1. Wow! I love the feeder. Such a cheerful color, and such cool decorations!

    Those pigs are awesome... I just love pigs. Such smart and friendly critters, when they have what they need and get to know you. I'd like to try a heritage breed someday. I was lucky to find anyone with piglets for sale this summer, due to the high cost of grain.


  2. love the feeder art!!

  3. We had to put off delivery of hay a couple months back till we got paid...I know the feelin'.

  4. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Great work! You should decorate your beehives like that! I am sure the bees would be happier for it!

  5. i agree with warren! think how cheerful your bees would look all painted up and decorated!
    i wish ya'll lived closer! i'd hire the kids to come and decorate all of my outbuildings too!
    great job!!

  6. ron thanks we love the piggies too. we are considering a little farrowing of giant blacks. we'll see how this first step goes...

    robbyn, thanks it was all tabitha.

    danielle, yeah no money. i just couldn't get to the bank with my shoe-box full of cash in time.

    warren, great idea. i'll get my team on it.

    jayedee, my team of artists are deeply altruistic and would never take money for their art;)

  7. bummer about the bank account. :( i hate banks.


The golden rule applies here...