Sunday, October 05, 2008

just a list

the cow is getting better--we hope.
i moved the waterer so acorns couldn't fall into it easily. it is an old bathtub that is really heavy. i supported it from three cedar posts that i drove into the ground. it needed to be elevated about a foot so i can plumb it for overflow into the garden.
i fell a quagmire of a tree at our neighbors. it was wedged between the house and their outbuilding.
cut and split the tree into over a rick of wood for them
i calked and painted kassi's closet pink and the kitchen door
we cleaned the pantry/laundry-room
i righted the big bee hive after the cows knocked it down
i rehung the gate to the calf pen--bad cows.
i tried a mix of styrofoam and cement along one of the walls to the root cellar. it wasn't a complete failure but didn't preform as well as i'd hoped.
i moved most of the little rock ring to back fill the root cellar--seven wheelbarrow loads full of rock.
we put an obama sign in the front yard
packaged Danielle's award to send.
we went to a bonfire the kids had a blast. there was a long bagpipes demonstration. the kids loved it. they danced and danced.

i hurt my arm--just a little. it'll take a few days to heal.


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I could have moved that problem. Bad, good cows!

  2. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hurray! an OBAMA sign, you are courageous! Did you chain it down?

    I'm appalled at how openly racist the mccain ticket has become. I made 20 community calls to Florida voters yesterday and am going to make New Mexico calls tomorrow.

    Bagpipes! did you get pictures of the kids dancing? Can't wait to see those. Did you wear your kilt?

  3. Fall is such a motivating season.

    It would be fun to see a bagpipes demonstration. I'll bet the kids had a blast, what a fun memory for them. :)

    I've got to find one of those heavy metal tubs...


  4. Obama will not change a thing. He is a puppet just like Mc Same and King Bush and every other President preceding them. If you really wanted a change you would loose the Obama sign and replace it with a McKinney, Nader, or a Baldwin sign. Obama is just a shill and a front to pacify the public. Didn't Obama just vote for the banker bailout bill the same one that Mc Insane voted for. They both have the same master.



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