Wednesday, November 26, 2008


toly has pneumonia. we are getting around to go to the distant medical facility for some high powered antibiotic. allegedly very painful. he had x-rays and they called last night with the confirmation and pressed the urgency that we need to head in for the shots first thing this morning. three daily consecutive shots--happy thanksgiving little man:(

tabitha is also sick...

rome has been sick and will be checked by the doctor today--arrgh...

tristan is relatively unscathed and kassi is fighting the good fight along with me.

after much reading and discussion on the subject i have developed a theory. autism might be an attempt at an evolutionary leap. given the fact that einstein, tesla among others were/are/alleged autistic lead me to this hypothesis. given the fact that we have compassionately disabled standard evolutionary measures God/mother-nature/the-creator has ferreted out another path. only time will tell?

or toly might just be a totoro;) thanks phoebe


  1. You can't have scientific progress without autism. Neurotypical people are too involved with social focus and multitasking.

    It takes autism to get stuff done.

    Without autism we'd all be living like bonobos with elaborate social networks. Thanks to autism, we live like humans with Facebook :-)

  2. I'm sorry so many in your pile are so under the weather! I remember those days when mine were littler. We just passed crap 'round and 'round, the whole winter. It does seem to get better as they get older. Hang in there! Wishing you a restful and well Thanksgiving, friends.

  3. Hugs, I do pray you all get over the sickies very soon. As to the autism spectrum...I think Joe and I fall somewhere on there.

  4. Hi Karl, I know its been awhile since my last comment but wanted to comment back about places around you guys in reference to my current post. I always said south west Missouri because that is what she would say...Now looking at the map I see it is 131 miles north(something) of Springfield... I may have to update my poor memory on some geography, ay?..
    I am very happy with my friends school district and have found the lesser pricing would put my children in a district of questionable quality. I look at it the one we are meant to have is just not ready for us at this moment. LOL. It will come.
    Sorry to hear The Pile of O'melays are under the weather. Hopefully some of your and Tabitha's home cooking will purge it out.

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sorry your clan is under the weather. Glad they caught the Pneumonia early (thats really scary treatment regimin)(sp). Prayers for his speedy recovery..

    I'm a long-time lurker; I pop in every 6 months or so to get my fix, and really appreciate your blogging; all you homesteading bloggers (and the folks at Homesteading Today for my daily fix) help keep my own dreams on track.


  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I hope that everyone is well, soon.

  7. Sorry to hear that so many of you are sick! That's awful... hope everyone is much better very soon!

    Ruth xx

  8. oh guys have been through the ringer! i am sending lots of health and healing your way...hang on to your family and it will all pass...i hope your holidays are as happy as they can be!! lots of love coming your way...

  9. Hope the shots weren't too painful, and that everyone is on the mend! (I've had pneumonia, and would have been begging for a painful shot, if I'd thought it would cure me!)


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