Friday, December 12, 2008

happy holidays

the tree

our own bath scene like in my neighbor totoro

things are getting better around here. illnesses are waning. holiday expectations are rampant. i almost got something done outside today.


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Such a beautiful family! Glad to hear the illnesses are leaving.

  2. That is so cool that you all fit in there...even though there is no room for your own movement. Yeah, Roxy will go into her doghouse when it is really cold and rainy. I can probably count on 2 hands the amount of times I've seen her in there. She also is bonded to the cat and the cat lives in the dog house since it has been in the teens at night. I think it gets a good 10 degrees cooler here than at your place, so it makes sense your dogs haven't gone into the house yet. Wait until deep this winter on your coldest day that is flurrying...I bet you'll see your gp in his dog house.

  3. P.S. give him his own kitten and he'll want to protect it and keep it warm on the coldest days! Have you noticed since the weather has turned cold, that your gp has gotten more energy and more playful?? Roxy who is 5 years old now, is like a puppy again! The pups...well, they have always been playful and this is their first winter since they were born in February, so time will tell how they react.

  4. Merry Christmas Karl! Glad to hear you all are feeling better.


The golden rule applies here...