Monday, December 01, 2008

what's the deal?

tabitha has pneumonia frighteningly bad. tristan and kassi both have strep throat. tristan has a severe case. the doctor almost prescribed the three consecutive shots that toly just got. toly is belly sick from all the antibiotics--probiotics are mostly milk based. luckily he likes, rather loves kombucha. my ear infection is just getting better after a week and a half. rome is ok and wondering whats wrong with all you people. to top it off tabitha also has pink eye--it's likely to spread house wide.

furthermore what is wrong with the evil drug companies that a prescription for antibiotics costs $100? merry christmas everybody. several hours in urgent care and then over an hour at walmart waiting for the prescriptions will squash the sanity out of even the most stable of families. did i mention that everyone was very sick? imagine a sick two year old screaming with a penetrating sound that bag pipes can only aspire to. every old person staring at us giving the look--that boy needs a beating now. branson is mostly retired people so we were out numbered.

there is a beautiful light dusting of snow on the ground this morning. tristan's favorite, too bad he's too sick to leave the house. i'm home family-sick-leave today. maybe i can get enough exposure so i get really sick too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Karl ~ I am so sorry to hear this. :( My family of 7 used to get sick like that, too. I have a feeling it may be all the young immune systems in your home.

    Your post brought back so many memories of my household and me being sick, taking care of sick kids.

    My mother, sister and sister's two dear friends all had pneumonia in September. There is so much of it going around.

    Hugs to you all.


    P.S. Sorry about the double post.

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Karl, I live in Ozark and would love to bring you guys a meal or two. We eat NT style and I'd bring you a bone broth soup. Please send me your address and I can get something to you ASAP!! What do the kids like?

  4. katie,

    tabitha woke with hives covering her body. rome now has pink-eye. we are back to the doctor. thanks for the offer but we'll likely be out all day again. argh...

  5. Yikes! I am so sorry. I am not a doctor, but I occasionally play one on the internet. I prescribe camping out in front of a fire, hot broth... and lots of chocolate for those who can handle it!!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that you guys are so under-the-weather.

    Isn't it just awful that real medicine is so pricey? I think that's what's wrong with our healthcare system. If people could afford just basic care .... Sorry. What you don't need is a rant from me :).

    I hope you all are feeling better soon - and Karl, don't you dare get sick! ;).

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Oy, I'm so sorry. Sending loving and healing vibes to you and your entire family. I had walking pneumonia last year and then I struggled with resulting asthma for 6 months. I hated to do it but I had to result to steriods to make it all go away.... I hope that everyone heals sooner rather than later. I too wish I lived closer to bring ya'll some food and help take care of things so the rest of you could rest and heal.

  8. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Does your local Wal Mart offer the $4 generic deal? I'd chat with the doc about getting a different drug that comes in generic that would be effective. We do that all the time and they usually do it w/o any issue.

  9. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I feel so sorry for you and your family (all those sick little people who probably don't understand why they feel so awful!) I also hear your pain about the drug companies. After I had my daughter I got a bad thrush infection and the medication was almost $200! That was for a 2 week supply and my doctor wanted me to go on it again because 2 weeks didn't clear it up (I refused). I cried all the way home from the pharmacy.

  10. Sorry to hear everyone is so sick. Abd totally feel for you on the price of presription meds. It's outrageous.

    Hope ya'll start feeling better soon.

  11. when it rains it pours

  12. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Jeez, I feel terrible for you guys. I had pneumonia as a toddler, I'm told. I don't remember it though I was hospitalized. (I've seen the photos.) To this day I have a recurring ache in my right lung. Otherwise, I've moved on. I hope you guys get all cleared up by the holidays.

  13. Sorry to hear about the illness, on top of everything else. The good part about everything possible going wrong is that the only direction things can go is up. ? Hope everyone is feeling better soon.


  14. Karl-- I'm so sorry that your crew is all so sick! I know there's probably not much I can do from afar, but if there is anything, let me know. My love to you, Tabitha, and the kids!

  15. Dang Karl...that bites. We will keep ya'll in our prayers for a healthier and happier new year.



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