Thursday, January 08, 2009

roary and nimue are gone

our friends bought roary and are taking nimue to the sale barn for us. we were very happy last evening to have them gone. then it happened..

the calves knocked over our strongest bee hive last night and killed all the bees due to the cold temps last night. bees are not like ants they cannot freeze and live to tell the tale.


  1. that sucks. Looks like instead of giving a nook away in spring you'll keep it.

  2. oh my gosh! i'm soooooo sorry!

  3. Aw, that sucks. Dumb calves. Hope the stay away from the rest of the hives.

    Congrats on freeing yourselves from the cows.

  4. Hopefully you can spot a swarm sometime this spring or early summer and repopulate the hive. Back in the day, we just dropped a hint here and there around town that we were looking for swarms and our phone literally started ringing off the hook with people with bees in their yards or property. We had enough we could be selective on which ones would be the easiest to capture the queen.

  5. ALL the bees? or just the ones in "the strongest hive"?

  6. Ah, geez. that sux.

  7. that's a bummer.

    i hope you have better luck with the new hives!

  8. Love, love, love the family picture! BTW, Toly looks like a little version of Tabitha.


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