Tuesday, March 03, 2009

choosing less

this tax return we have all but decided to not get a van/vehicle that we can all fit into. our focus during this depression will be to further secure our farmstead. if we get our root cellar done, our solar hot-water installed, our chicken coop finished, our house made more energy efficient, a new refrigerator, our wood floors installed and all the little things procured we'll be much better off. we need a grain mill. we need more bulk storage containers. we need to get ready for the hard times ahead. if we blow it all on a vehicle and can't afford gas then what? better yet we can always get into debt to get a vehicle if the countries course changes abruptly.

this has been a hard decision. tabitha and i have looked into the future and imagine that this is the most prudent choice.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I applaud your decision to think about how you are spending you money. I am sure that isn't new to you but it is nice to hear nonetheless.

  3. Very, very wise decision. My husband and myself are having very similar discussions and making very similar decisions to you and Tabitha.

  4. I think that is smart.
    One day we hope to get a better running vehicle like another minivan that will fit the kids, as right now if the whole family wants to go somewhere we have to take both cars and we live at least 35 miles from okc so thats a bit much.
    Needless to say we don't go much of anywhere besides co-op on fridays.
    I have to spend mine on paying off a credit card to hopefully save part of my hair and sanity.
    credit cards are the evil of all evil.
    Make a payment on one credit card just to turn around and use it again to buy a little food...bad trap

  5. you can always be like the walton's and pile into the back of your pick-up truck! :)

    wish we could do the same, unfortunately, we have to pay off debts greg has incurred over the last year with ours.

  6. Sounds like a good idea to me.

  7. I think that's a good plan, and you're right. If things pick up again, you'll be able to finance a new vehicle, but if they don't, you're not stuck with some rusting hunk of useless metal and doing without something you could have used.

    I wish more people thought like you guys do .... I wish you could talk to my daughter and her husband :).

  8. We bought a new-old vehicle this summer and paid with cash. I agree with you that sustainability needs to be our primary goal right now. Of course, I thought so back when we were being told that shopping was a form of patriotism, but that's another topic...I'll continue reading your blog with interest while we sort out what is the most economically viable number of chicken to have around here!

  9. We are buying a new car with our tax return But we will not take out debt for it. We are buying the same make and model car as our current car ( 225.00 0miles on it) so when our older car poops out on us we can salvage the parts off it. We will stick to our budget for it.

    But we also will be making some needed up grades to our home. We will invest in commodities that will see us through hard times: tree length firewood; which will come to about 90 a cord for ten cords, pig to grow for the freezer, hay for the barn, fruit trees at the Fedco tree sale, fabric for cheap at a local salvage store, and a good bulk food order.

  10. Delayed gratification is a good thing and something too many people do without these days. Good for you!


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