Thursday, March 19, 2009

evil flu

the entire pile of o'melays has been struck down again. this time it was my fault. i got it first probably from work. i have never been so sick from a flu in my life. it was completely debilitating. i laid in bed, hardly ate and forced every amount of liquid that i could manage down. this morning is the first day i have had coffee in three days. for those of you who know me can easily realize that any illness that keeps me from my most passionate vice it must have been severe indeed.

poor tabitha now has it and has been apologising profusely for not being compassionate enough during my misery. i must say that she took fine care of me and i have arrived safely on the other side. i'm staying home today to help take care of the pile. any well wishes might help though.

rome had a 103.5 temp last night. kassi seems to feel etter this morning. tristan is still miserable. toly has yet to officially contract the illness althoough he is showing the early signs.


  1. Oh no! Flu sucks! I'm sending you all Get Well soon wishes! :)

  2. I am so sorry. Y'all have had your fair share of illnesses this winter, that's for sure. I hope this is the last one.

    Feel better soon.


  3. Ugh! No fun! We had a quickie, unpleasant "bug" go through our place a couple of weeks ago. I can relate, and I sincerely hope you all feel better soon!

  4. it hit my daughter and the rest of us got tamiflu early enough that we are all ok...hang in there and keep drinking water! Hoping the bets for your bunch!

  5. Man! You have had too many of these things. It's just crazy! Maybe this was the end of your quotia for the next few years?

  6. ...Sending positive thoughts your way. Get well all!

  7. I'm back, to nominate you for the lemonade award. See my blog, if you are interested.

  8. i'm so sorry...we are just now fully recuperating from it ourselves!

    here's hoping for a speedy recovery for all. i wish i were closer so i could help you all out.

  9. Sorry to hear you've been sick... it sure does pull the rug out from under ya. At least you guys are taking shifts. :) Seriously though, hope you guys get better soon.


  10. Now it's my turn to wish you well! Hope you all get better soon.


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