Friday, May 01, 2009

legend of zelda's link?

tabitha finally made tristan his much requested link costume.

he has worn it ever since.

we have been doing a little fencing and gate building.

i have yet to finish the back run.


henry was spying on us.


  1. That sure is a nice looking coop and run, Karl. Henry seems like a great dog.


  2. Great looking coop.

  3. Hi Karl, do you plan the coop for the night time only or they will be inside the run all the time? What is the total area they will have access to and how many chickens you plan to have there? Thanks,

    P.S. Thanks for very interesting and useful blog - been lurking for a while.

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I love your chicken coop and my grandson would love the Link costume. Nice work on both your projects.

  5. ron, thanks we are proud of our coop. henry is a great dog. he suits our family so well in almost every way.

    woody & kathleen, thanks

    leon, the hens will go up every night, unless i forget. then henry will protect them. the run is large. it doubly exceeds Gene Logsdon’s recommendations for fifty hens. we plan to ramp up to fifty hens and sell a few eggs to offset the feed costs. thanks..

  6. I love the costume. Look at Tristan's eyes how green!!!

    Your coop is coming along nicely. Those are some lucky chickens.


  7. tristan looks great in his new costume!! way to go tabitha. :)

    the coop and run are looking lovely, those chickens will feel like royalty. they'd better repay you with lots of eggs!

  8. I still think you have a great summer home there regardless of the chickens!


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