Sunday, August 02, 2009

big fat magazine publisher

yep, that was me. we are sitting on the balcony of the magazine offices. rusty on the far right was a staff artist/writer/designer. jim in the middle was our drinkin' buddy--he calls my mom "church-lady." notice my beer gut? at that time one of my friends owned a bar just down the road in pacific beach. i had a brass plaque on the bar with my name on it and an open tab. the plaque was way down by the end of the bar next to the pool tables. i enjoyed many hours of pool.

it was like another life. see what a good woman can do for a lost soul? i don't think about those days very often. my friend jim sent me this on facebook. who'd have though he'd turn out regurgitating rush limbaugh? i didn't realize that being a miscreant could lead to being a misanthrope. facebook is like a high school reunion for your entire life. well, that is what it is like for me anyway...

we are getting geared up to go to st. louis for toly's testing. we are planning on being gone for five days. it will be hard to be away from the place for that long. we hope to go to the zoo, city museum, science center and basilica cathedral. although our highlight will be visiting tansy. our kids are so excited. kassi is already composing artistic sonnets to her daughter. i cut tristan, tabitha and my hair. we need to look normal at the hospital.

we'll be borrowing a van from our friends. it is very kind of them. we also plan on bringing an ice chest filled with omelay pantry items. we hope to have a few good meals. i might get to help slaughter a goat too. it'll be good experience for what i plan this winter.


  1. Have a safe fun trip. I hope Toly's testing goes well and it's not too traumatic for him.

    Take photos if you get to help with the goat. Post them please! I really want to learn to butcher goats.

  2. Good luck at the Hosp. I hope you all have fun and enjoy the trip.

    I agree with Sheila-- take photos if you get to do the goat.

  3. Good luck on your trip. I'm glad you were able to find a van to borrow ... and maybe this will solve your car dilemma :).

  4. nothing beats having a good woman around! and it sure seems like you found yourself a good one. good luck on your trip, sounds like some really neat outing planned.

  5. Good luck w/ your appt. and have a safe trip.

  6. Sounds like despite the testing you should have a great time! We are headed to the STL zoo next month. My oldest daughter visited the cathedral this spring. Her photos were amazing! We might try to make that part of our trip as well.

  7. Old pics and facebook are indeed delights! I am thrilled to catch up with most of the folks through the years. Anyhow, good travels...

  8. pigrider12:14 PM

    Hey Karl,

    My wife is building us a chicken tractor based on your design. (thanks!)

    So far, so good, but she had a question: Is the use of hardware cloth essential to the structure's integrity? We have lots of old chicken wire around that she'd like to repurpose, but is wondering if it needs the rigidity of the hw cloth.

    also, any other tips/improvements you've thought of after using yours for a time. She's about halfway through.

    Thanks much, I really enjoy your blog.

  9. shelia, thank you. things are going ok so far.

    jenny, no news on the goat butcher yet..

    wendy, thank you

    molly, she's a good woman indeed.

    beau, ang., thanks, wwe are starting to plan activities today.

    warren, yeah i like catching up too.

    pigrider, the hardware cloth is for protection from raccoons. they can reach through the chicken wire on the side and kill your chickens.


The golden rule applies here...