Tuesday, October 27, 2009

rome in costume

tabitha made link (legend of zelda) costumes for the kids. yes they all wanted to be link for halloween. rome is really cute in his. tabitha just finished making it. she had made all the kids costumes and rome's was the final one.

the swords that i made a few weeks ago are also part of the costume. i pity any marauding enemies on halloween night.

happy halloween!


  1. happy halloween! we love legend of zelda around here, too (it's matty's childhood favorite and he references it all the time). who doesn't love a quest?

  2. Sweet. I remember those days as a fond frantic frenzy. Halloween night with four little ones in our house. Crazy, but a good crazy.

  3. molly, thanks everybody does love a quest.

    pablo, we are in the business of making memories. every moment could be one that i'll remember like it was yesterday for the rest of my life. such an easy thing to forget.

  4. There is nothing like halloween costumes made with Love by mom. I refuse to purchase costumes and have a strict home made only rule..But it seems the only ones being made this year are thrift store finds to custom fit for the outfits. Not too bad since I have made every costume every year and realize the work Tabitha put into those costumes is very time consuming...but so much fun! Can't wait to see all 3 gussied up in their new threads (and swords)!

  5. Very cute pic! Rome should meet our little Ida May. I think they would make a good pair!
    We, too, LOVE Legend of Zelda!

  6. Happy Halloween too! He's so cute...


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