Saturday, November 21, 2009

slight change

sorry to create another obstacle to commenting but i'm putting word verification back into service. i don't know if it is the holidays or what but i have been getting way too much spam commenting lately. i'd rather post more often than have to spend my time deleting a bunch of spam.

i put shelves in the green house now all i have to do is build some deep boxes for lettuce and greens.

tabitha has been making slippers. these are mine!

tristan and kassi are both part of the no-cavity-club.

we bought some really great hay. the cows love it, they eat it almost all the way to nothing. our cow are spoiled.


  1. Do those slippers keep you awake at night?

    I don't mind the word verification.

  2. those shelves are a great idea, especially in Winter when the sun stays low anyway.

    Love the slippers.


The golden rule applies here...