Sunday, January 03, 2010

sunday, snowy sunday

don't try and take me off this sled. it's mine i will permit only one passenger though.

a true snow-boy. he takes after his father in this respect.

snow tastes good.

kassi and tristan blazing the trail with rome in tow.

ok, i'm getting cold.

the trail to the summit.




kassi patiently waiting her turn.

my beautiful baby mama princess.

this is where the new sled broke.


  1. We had a snowy Sunday morning too. Happy New Year!

  2. Karl,
    You all look like you're having so much fun! My husband just went outside with kids to pull them around on the new Christmas sled with the fourwheeler. Our road is all snow so it makes for a really fun ride. I'll be inside because it's a little over 20 degrees out.

    Take your time with "pay it". You are very incredibly busy! I was so surprised to hear from you, I didn't think I won because I wasn't the right number of responder. I will now "pay it" on my blog. I will email my address but remember, no hurry at all!

    I could cry thinking about Henry. So, so sad. I've been scared to death to check your blog because I'm afraid for you. My dogs are so precious to me.

  3. Glad to see you all out and about. Your family is such an inspiration and I'm so happy to see you continuing on even through these difficult times. Thank you for letting us know that life is hard, but the rewards are well worth it if you're willing to live it.


  4. your first post you say you are "running out of time". Can you explain this remark? I'm very interested. Starting at page 1 I will continue to read your whole blog. Thank you for sharing. I worry about myself for I'm old, alone and not in good health BUT certainly want to continue for a long time coming. Got any suggestions?

  5. Ya'll had more snow than us...looks like you put it to grand use!

  6. jessika, the snow is well appreciated around here.

    kevin and beth, oh a four wheeler sled ride sounds like great fun.

    whirliegig, thanks for your well wishes times are indeed tough.

    sis, i'm not sure what you mean "running out of time" there is nothing like that on my first post.

    woody, we were hoping for more last night but no luck. it sure is cold out there right now.

  7. There are few things like a snow day, especially with the kids! Today was our big day for it... so cold. Stay warm :)


The golden rule applies here...