Wednesday, January 27, 2010

winter weather expected

our local weather-people are alleging that by friday we'll be in the middle of a winter wonderland. the kids are already excited. now if we can only skirt any freezing rain we'll be very happy.

the chickens are really giving up the eggs lately. today we got twenty two. the other night we were so excited about the eggs that we had breakfast for dinner. scrambled eggs, pancakes and home fries.

one of the activities we accomplished during the warm weather of late was to try and rescue our greenhouse. the swiss chard got clipped back and new salad mix was planted. my role in this was to to disseminate praise and good cheer. now if we can just make it through the impending winter weather.

mike brought his stock trailer over yesterday to load the pigs before tuesday morning. i plan to give them constant access to it and feed them their daily treats in the back. by tuesday they should be rushing to the back. we'll miss them. this latest move of selling the second pig will afford us another pig for the summer months. that will be exciting.

our female cats are all with kitten. soon there will be a glut of kittens at the omelay homestead. hermoine's kits will be at a premium since she has a proven track record of producing bona fide farm cats. our cats are the best hunters and generally very friendly but not too needy. they are the perfect cats for a homestead. if anyone is local and interested in a farm kitten we might be able to oblige. if you want your cat to be a great hunter we let hermoine teach them to hunt before anyone takes possession. hermoine is small, tailless and can climb like a squirrel. her offspring have all been the best hunters.


  1. Kristen11:39 PM

    I wish you were closer... we really could use a good barn cat. Do you all lose enough cats each year to leave cats intact, or are there always homes for the kittens? Just curious. (I recognize spaying is expensive, and that's another issue.)

  2. our first cat we paid to have spayed. she promptly got killed on the dangerous road a hundred feet from our door. there is a natural attrition of farm cats here. we have just managed a genetic line that is smart enough to stay clear of the road. there have been some losses already though. our farm can easily support several cats and we like them around to keep the rodent population down. the only reasonable way to attain this is to keep an influx of kittens. actually most of the kittens will have good homes straight away. hermoine usually only has three kittens.

  3. I love breakfast for supper! We aren't getting any eggs lately. We feel the same way about our barn cats. They are wonderful! At one point the fox caught on to our free cat buffet and wiped out our fav. cats. It was very hard on the kids, so we converted an 8x10ft shed into the " cat coop " and with a little food bribe the barn cats sleep in their recliner in their house each night. Safe and sound.

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  5. I sincerely hope you miss out on that ice storm.


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