Tuesday, April 06, 2010

photo heavy progress

i finished my rainwater chicken piping. i only had to purchase a few parts. i already had most of them. one critical part that i had and didn't purchase was cracked. i was almost thwarted but luckily i changed my plan. a few modifications to some fittings and i was in business.

here it is nearly finished. all i need is to cover it from the sunlight and install a leaf screen pre-filter from the gutter chain.

my self flushing screen is integrated in the valve from the tank.

i epoxied a fine mesh screen to the end of the pipe. after reaming out the "T" so the pipe would slip clear into the fitting, i glued the pipe into the branch side of the "T". the water normally takes the turn in the "T" to go to the water fountain. when i use the bucket fill valve it automatically rushes water past the constricted screen area. this flushes my screen and keeps the system operational.

i finished that in the morning then we went to harrison arkansas. they had the exact snow fence that we have been looking for. it was very inexpensive since it was sitting around for quite a while.

we borrowed bobs trailer and it worked perfectly.

then we worked on the calf pen. i finished roofing the entire thing. it has been renamed "the stable."

here is my mineral feeder.

here is the cow first day in this paddock.

she slept in her stable last night.

astrid is really coming into her own.

guarding and protecting are heavily in her nature.

this morning we started on the arbor. here are the raw materials.

i was gifted those arches from a friend.

the o'melay boys ready to help.

we decided to turn the arches up, japanese style.

i love it.

the cross slats were parts from our old grill. i like to recycle everything.

it will get painted a dark brown and be covered in kassi's roses. there will be slats ascending up each side.

tabitha and the kids picked three quarts total of violets. here is their first batch.

pretty violets


  1. Karl,
    Not sure if you will see now that you have a new post but I
    commented about the geese at the end of your last post.

  2. Busy busy! It all looks good. I like the rainwater setup. I need to get some new guts for a fountain I found and do similar.


  3. Your place is looking great and really really getting that cozy feeling. Yall are doing really good. ~jen

  4. I just have to ask what you do with the violets? Is it just potpourri?

  5. i have to say, unemployment looks real good on you! you guys are rocking it over there. it looks fantastic and fun! are you going to make violet syrup? i am scheming an archway as well.

  6. beth, i got it thanks.

    ron, yeah i'm proactively lazy. this is all part of my plan that the farm will run it's self one day, ha..

    jen, thanks if there is one thing our farm is, it is cozy.

    ed, violet jelly. it is beautiful stuff. herbal roots by tansy is an amazing curriculum even for adults.

    molly, we like to call it "plum enjoyment" actually i need to get a job so i can get some rest..

  7. Is she going to make some jam?

  8. I just love seeing pictures of your farm...so lovely! And, I love the Japanese style of the archway.

  9. You all have such a nice life, don't you? I enjoy reading your updates without fail. Your place is so nice. I admire 'all the whole lot of you' for your efforts. Beautiful stone path, stable, cow, land, healthy lifestyle, all of it!

  10. ooops, lost my comment I think...I love that upturned trellis arch and love the violets!

  11. Hmm, I like the idea of a bucket fill. There are a number of tanks like yours that I am planning on using to setup a catchment system. Got 2 in the shed and filled already, so I wont be able to elevate them yet. Wish I had thought about that earlier.

  12. love the arbor! What's the snow fence for?


The golden rule applies here...