Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Job

Yesterday I accepted a new job. Tabitha wrote about it here

This is the company The Alternative Energy Company. Check them out and let me know what you all think?

I am excited.

Me and the kids are off to the creek to celebrate.

your faithful servant,


  1. Congrats, Karl!

    A job, which is great in this economy, but a job you will likely enjoy too. It's amazing how much difference a steady paycheck makes, psychologically, whatever size it is.


  2. Fantastic! Congratulations. I hope the work load increases 10 fold for more reasons than your job security.


  3. Congratulations! I'm sure you will love those paychecks again. Perhaps your dream dehydrator will soon be a reality.

  4. Congrats! Wishing you all the best with your new position! That is fantastic news.

  5. Unfortunately, I somehow deleted our previous emails- your email address included.
    I am not able to get out that way as I had hoped due to our current new home & budget for the summer. I had hoped to see if I could make it out later but then it interferes with the budget we have for my lil brothers wedding in early October. If you & the family do not mind, I would like to include the Pile O'Melays next summer. Thank you for being open to me this year. I am sincerely sorry I am not able to do it this year. :(

  6. WooHoo! Congrats!

  7. Wow! How did I miss this awesome news?


  8. congratulations karl! it's been awhile since i've been to your blog as i had a computer mishap and lost all my links...sorry excuse i know, but i've been trying to build them back and a few of you slipped through the cracks. so imagine how happy i was to get your comment on my own little cyberspace home!

    the kids have grown so much!! and reading tabitha's summary of what you all went through, well we can relate for sure as we were in the same position a little over a year ago and still are just scraping by, but J has a job so we count ourselves amongst the lucky ones at the moment..:) being that close to having nothing really taught us many valuable survival lessons and even though it was hard we don't regret it.

    so congratulations on your new job!! and in the alternative energy business is a bonus i'm sure!! it will get pick up and soon you'll be swamped i'm sure...

    much love and peace!!!!


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