Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Day lilies, Bikes and Love

My parents came for a visit. They stayed three nights in our little house with us. We had loads of fun. They brought me an old truck that my sister gave me. It is loaded with a swimming pool, lathe and a band saw. I have yet to unload it since we have been so busy.

The reason for their visit is to buy the kids bicycles. Oh, what a hit they are. The kids love them, have given them names and are constantly begging to go to the bike trail. The yard is a little bumpy but they are undaunted. We pledge a weekly visit to the trail, maybe Sundays after church.

They also brought hundreds of day lilies. They collect them and show them in their yard every summer (bus tours, write-ups in the local paper ect..) My parents have an excellent idea that Kassi might have a day lily business someday. Her passion for flowers and nurturing demeanor seem an ideal match. This year is the first stage of the business. We planted the beds in a manner for display and propagation.

The next phase will be to set her up to sell them. A website and market stand are on my queue. For now it will be mostly Tabitha and my effort but Kassi is really excited. This links to the entire album of what we planted--forever documented and able to reference.

Kassi has an entire photo book of them in bloom listed alphabetically.

I'll get photos of the kids on bikes and other stuff today.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful life you're giving your kids, Karl. Bikes are the best.

  2. Awesome! Now I have yet to parent a teenager, but I think the reason teens get such a bad rap is that they are very CAPABLE yet under utilized. Kassi having her own little business will give her an excellent foundation for her future as well as a productive outlet for all her abilities both now and as she matures. Sounds perfect. :)


The golden rule applies here...