Friday, October 29, 2010

sweet potatoes were a bust

I can't even bring myself to take a picture of those measly sweet potatoes to show you all what a failure they were. Obviously they weren't in full sun. The soil there was very rich, probably too rich. Next year they will be planted if full sun in the garden.

Failure :(


  1. I'm sorry. Me too. Did you see my harvest?

  2. It was worth the try this spring. And now you know not for next spring.

  3. Well, I have to say that here in FLorida, we don't harvest sweet potatoes until December. We leave them in the ground 7-10 months. We work with mostly ammended sand. Rumor has it that they prefer less than great soil, but we've noticed, by accident, that they get bigger with added nitrogen. Those interplanted with cowpeas were much bigger than those planted by themselves. And yes, full sun is crucial. Sorry it was a bust. Good luck next year.

  4. Well, I hate that your harvest (or lack thereof) was so crappy. :(

  5. I look forward to your success story next year.

  6. Ah man, that stinks!

  7. Amy, Yes I did see yours. I am sure glad that we don't have voles here.

    Ryan, Try try again. we will surely be at it again

    Homesteading mommy, wow 7-10 months surely that is enough time for them to get huge

    Annie, thanks it sure wasn't for the lack of trying.

    Ed, one of these years...

    Robin, thanks we will keep trying.


The golden rule applies here...