Sunday, November 28, 2010


We have arrived in Berkeley and staying at La Quinta Inn. I am exhausted. The kids finally broke down for the last three hours, such good kids for almost the entire trip. Unbelievably good kids. Rome actually got the feistiest.


  1. Glad you all arrived safely and now everyone can have a good nights rest.
    I use to go to Berkeley on the BART to a vendors street market on weekends. A variety of characters fer sure.
    My prayers are with you and your family to yer final destination. ~Jen

  2. Over the mountains and out of the snow is a good thing. Hope the kids sleep well tonight.

  3. Glad to see you made it and you are all safe.

    I hope your week turns out the way you need/want it too.

    Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers.

  4. sherri10:05 PM

    You made great time driving in holiday traffic, and got through safe and sound...whew. Feel safe now and hope all goes forward as it should. ~~~Sherri

  5. Sending good wishes and prayers your way. Glad you have arrived safely.


  6. glad to hear you made it safe and sound! get a good night's sleep!

  7. Good wish and good luck for your travel. Being on the road is hard for everybody.

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Still praying...keep us updated:)



  9. Glad you all are safe.

  10. So sorry about the sour end to your farm, but glad we will still be able to keep up with you and your brood! Take good care and cherish the new adventures.


  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Karl, you and Tabitha and the children are in my prayers. I'm glad you're safe and I hope you both have a bit of sleep and rest to prepare you for the next leg of your journey (finding a home, a job, schools, etc.) Think of yourself as a modern-day Pa Ingalls or Mother in the Little Britches series (in Mary Emma and Company, the mother relocates her family of small children from Colorado to Boston by the night train to get away from having to testify in a death penalty case). These real families persevered and prevailed and I know you will too.
    warmly, Selden

  12. Glad you all arrived safe and sound. I did try to post on one of the earlier posts a couple of days ago but was in an internet cafe and it looks like blogger didn't like it too much. I hope you all settle in okay and get over the long journey soon enough. Take care.


The golden rule applies here...