Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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  1. Ack! All these hints! Please, please tell us what's going on as soon as you can.

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Now I am getting worried....I hope everything is going well with you and your family.

    Praying for you!!!!!!!!


  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    well crap
    something is going on and it doesn't sound good
    take care

    Sheila Z

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I have been thinking about you all night....are you all moving? The yard sale...now that song...am I right?



  5. Please keep us posted. Can you not get this guy arrested on harassment charges? Is there not a local judge and attorney willing to take on this frightful man?

    We have neighbors that have made us nervous, but I suspect that their fear of law enforcement involvement and a few family members who are more reasonable keep them on a short leash.

    I"ll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  6. sherri bohan5:58 PM

    There is alot you will be able to do here in sf area for maintaining sustainability. You can keep some chickens in most places, the CSAs are many now, there are alot more community gardens and you can eat tacos and things with rice and avocados and be eating 100 percent local!!! You can have a hive, grow year around, have citrus trees, grow tiny orchards using EZ pick pruning and so much more. Can't burn wood but it's usually only as low as 60* and so we just dress warmer. A CMF neighbor is too stressful to live with, especially if you did get him evicted you'll still never feel safe. That is unacceptable so if you have the strength to accept what cannot be changed then your wisdom of knowing the difference, is the appropriate step now.
    I think you did achieve a dream, and if you didn't quite finish it, you can totally remember all the good parts. You just woke up too soon...Darn. I'm glad it was that instead of ?? But I am really sad too, it's so not fair when crazy has to be faced and dealt with, like getting to a safe place is so important right now.



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