Monday, January 10, 2011

Home at last

We have been in our new home for ten days. We have new beds IKEA rules. I, in all my years, have never owned a brand new bed (mattress). Plenty of new futons, plenty of lightly used beds but never a brand spanking new mattress. It might seem silly but spending several hundred dollars for a bed never seemed like money well spent.

I have been getting two additional hours of sleep per night. Money well spent indeed. The kids got a new bunk-bed set. They also got good mattresses. That was our big splurge most of the rest of our home furnishings are coming on-the-cheap. Freecycle is our friend. We did spend money on an antique bench. It is beautiful. This is also my first piece of antique furniture.

Tabitha got a new desk. I am sitting at it now. It is well constructed and very cute. The internet is finally working here at home. Now if we could simply get settled. It seems like all I ever do is work or put furniture together.

We have been going to Catholic Mass. Our first experience in the bay area was midnight-mass Christmas Eve/Morning. The music was divinely inspired and spiritually moving. Sixteenth century Gregorian chanting mingled with the most delightful quartet. It was sublime.

My job is going amazingly well. I found a leak in a new installation that has plagued the thermal department since the installation. My immediate supervisor wrote a letter for my file praising me and recommending me for permanent employment, ending my probation. We'll see where this leads.

The kids are adapting very well. Our longtime friends live six houses away. They have kids of similar ages. Rome loves, with a true pining love, their oldest daughter. She is twelve and babies him so magically that he is completely smitten.

There are still many things to be settled but we are methodically crossing things off our list. Well, mostly I got off to work and Tabitha manages to cross things off our huge list of to-do's.

We do have a new camera and I promise photos in the very near future. There have been several stumbling blocks in the photo department, including no reliable internet.

I must work out of town two nights this coming week. Tabitha is fine with this--a testament to how comforting our new home is. She really needs to convalesce from the bad neighbor trauma in Missouri. This home is safe and cozy.


  1. Wonderful news after all you have been through! So glad that this new path is taking you to safety, comfort, and respite for all of you.

  2. I am so happy she is healing. Enjoy that new mattress!

  3. Glad to hear you're all settling in well.

  4. Great News! I'm so happy for you and your family, many blessings sent your way

  5. Life has so many unexpected twists and turns. May you love you new home!

  6. So glad you are happy in your new home. Looking forward to reading about your new life!

  7. Happy New Year! Glad the sleeping accommodations have been upgraded. Nothing beats a good nights sleep!

  8. Nice to hear about that. You give me an idea with what i am working on right now. Thanks for sharing this informative article.

  9. New mattress: now that you mention it, I've never had one. I'm glad you got new mattresses! I'm even more happy that Tabitha is so comfortable in your new home and that your job is getting more secure. Happy homecoming!

  10. sounds like you guys are getting settled and that is wonderful. i am so glad that you like your job and that you were able to get a job!

  11. Gaile, finally the uneasy feeling of limbo is subsiding.

    Danielle, It makes me happy to receive your well wishes.

    Moonwaves, Thank you we are settling well. It has been a long time coming.

    White Lilly, And blessings are much appreciated.

    JenO, The twists and turns have gone far beyond interesting. Now we can cozy-in..

    Patt, Our life is interesting now just in a more normal (American standards) way. It is hard to imagine that our settling-in process is up to homesteading in the ozarks standard.

    Shelia, Happy New Years to you also. Sleep=Good.

    Ozark Homesteader, Risking being trite, home is where your heart is.. This rings very true for us. We are here and this is now our home.

    Molly, Yes work is going extremely well. Being friends with the owner of the company has perks. I forced my hand and Gary stuck his neck out for me. I won't let him down. In-fact he is working on a solar thermal to electricity tracking array project. He came to me yesterday and asked if I were interested. "YES" He also mentioned that my skill-set would be perfect for this project. Glory of glories my niche might carve itself.


The golden rule applies here...