Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kassi's first art show

She only has one of her pieces up there. The flower vase on the left.

She is so proud..


  1. Look how big she is getting! Congratulations on her first (of many) show.

  2. I'm lovin' it so much!

  3. She has reason to be proud. Very good art and Kassi is a beautiful girl; those eyes!

  4. Abby says "wow, she's a good painter." :)

    We miss you guys...


  5. Kassi is such a lovely girl! And her art? Wow!

    I cannot believe all the changes you all have made! I have been reading your adventures for years and occasionally commented (I'm friends with Kristine in IL).

    I had something similiar drop in my life: A job opportunity in a city. This came just as I had decided the farm life was dragging me down. I was working FT, trying to keep up on homesteading and feeling like an utter failure. After a (had to be quick) decision, I took the job and moved from my homestead. Our situation has been slightly different in that I am only 4 hours from the farm and my husband hasn't transferred yet. I go home on the weekends for now (and it is hard and I miss my faimily during the week, but I am enjoying my city/country life for now (but I cannot wait for them to move here in a couple of weeks!)

    I love California and wish you all the best. I quit following blogs during the life changes I experienced last summer, but am returning to them more and more. I actually came to check to make sure you all were safe after the Missouri storms.

    Many blessings for your new adventures!

    I am really happy for you


The golden rule applies here...