Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Karl has been admitted

Karl is in the hospital again, and right now the timeline has his open heart surgery scheduled for Friday. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to all who have reached out with help and kind words.


  1. Best of luck. I'll be thinking of him.

  2. I just became a follower of this blog 2 days ago and I have fallen in love with this family. It saddens my heart to see the health issues that Karl has had to endure. I will be praying for him and you all. God will have his hand on him and the surgeons. Just know that you all are inspiration to me and I have been energized to better my family life because of you.

  3. We really hope it goes well!

  4. Thinking of you guys so much and hard! All will be well soon enough. hugs and love you way.

  5. I will be thinking and praying for Karl and all of the O'Melays and that the surgery will be a success. I know it will. Much love to ya'll.


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