Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving at Mount Tamalpais

Thanksgiving was our one year anniversary of leaving Missouri. Yes, it has been a whole year already. We packed our every possession into a rental trailer and went to our wonderful friends for thanksgiving dinner. Wonderfully bitter sweet, it was to be the last time we would see close friends for a long time. After a delicious dinner we said our goodbyes and headed for the state line into a snow storm.

This thanksgiving we had much to be thankful for. Most especially, that I am still on this mortal coil. My brush with death weighed heavily on our first year here. The financial ruin of being off work for several months will keep us especially humble for years to come. I still see the sadness in my children's eyes sometimes.

This past thanksgiving we spent at church. It is a glorious place--God lives there. After a brief service many of us went to mushroom hunting at Mount Tamalpais water shed.

The kids hiked, played and, frolicked.

Earlier that morning there was a light rain and the woods were magical.
Here we are being instructed about the proper mushrooms to collect. Father Stephan is an expert mushroom hunter.

The trails were so beautiful. Keep up Rome there are mountain lions here...

These are Honey Mushrooms

The hike was about five miles maybe seven. Here we are at the top. Toly ran most of the way.

This is the top of this trail where we waited for the clouds to part and reveal the peak. Kassi and Rome flitted around like bundles of energy.

Tristan collecting thatching for a school project.

Just off the trail was quite steep.

But, that was where all the mushrooms were.

Father holding a huge bunch.

Tabitha spotted, hiked down and picked the prize of the day.

A huge lions mane.

After the hike dinner was fabulous, decadent beyond our current diet and much appreciated.

It was a perfect day.


  1. I've read your blog for years now, mostly because you used to post about your farm and such. Now I read your posts because your love for your family and your perseverance is inspirational. I remember when your truck broke down, or maybe it was a car crash back in MO, and thinking how positive your tone was. I was impressed. Then your crazy neighbor, then your move, etc. Now after all your family has faced with your health... God bless you all.

  2. I could never trust my mushroom selection skills. I'm glad you had an expert guide along.

  3. Looks like an awesome way to spend the holiday. Edible mushrooms is the one, gaping, hole in our foraging repertoire. We've been scheduled to go on a couple of "walks", but something always comes up and it gets canceled. Soon, though, and wouldn't it be lovely to find such an incredible gift as the Lion's mane Tabitha scored :)? Way to go! I'm sure it was delicious ;).

  4. I can't believe it has been a year! So happy to see you're feeling better.


  5. Tammy, For better or worse we have been reincarnated here and Missouri seems like another life. Really, we are still settling in.

    Pablo, Eastern Europeans have a long history of foraging for mushrooms. We are lucky enough to know some of them.

    Wendy, Timing is everything for great success. People in-the-know will be there when conditions are right. Finding those people is the trick. As I am sure you know the benefits of mushrooms are profound. Being delicious is just an incredible bonus.

  6. Woody, It is especially hard for me to believe it has been a year. I guess spending several months either in the hospital or narcotic induced haze doesn't help in graduating time.

  7. Looks like so much fun!!! What a great way to fellowship with one another. Mushrooms looked so good!

  8. Merry Christmas, O'melays!

  9. Karl and Tabitha, in the midst of my own family medical crisis this summer and fall, I missed yours. I'm so happy to read of your resilience and wish for increasing health and prosperity for you in 2012. Knowing your flexibility and zest for life, I know it'll be a year of good things.


The golden rule applies here...