Friday, March 23, 2012

Thank you

I hope to be beginning again in earnest to post to this blog. This past year has been a whirlwind of extremes. With so much drama it has seemed rather soap-opera-ish to talk of our daily lives. Having a dearth of cool projects to pore over and recant doesn't help.

How we are all doing:

My job is amazing! I love it. My spiritual world has amplified such to leave me sated in a way never before dreamed.

Tabitha, my miraculous wife, is doing very well. California agrees with her. She is beautiful and I am certainly only one of the many that think so.

Tristan, brilliant boy that he is, makes me proud everyday. Kind, gentle, fair and amazing are words that others use to describe him to me regularly. Fencing, singing and learning are his world right now. Soon he'll be able to beat me at chess--and I am no slouch. He has a profoundly stronger mind than I and he is only nine.

Kassi, my princess artist, sees the world with such razor clarity. She easily captures the essence of things when she draws or paints. Ballet and art are her world.

Toly, the engineer, is compelled to know how everything works, where every pipe or wire lead. His passion is not of this world yet contained in his strong and able body. The leader of the duo-of-naughtiness--with a will of steel.

Rome, my baby of three years, is the Kwisatz Haderach combining the best of all three of his siblings in a crescendo of sweet brilliance. able comrade in the duo-of-naughtiness--in charge of schemes and conspiracies.


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Beautiful words to describe your beautiful family. You sir, as you already know, are blessed:)

  2. looking forward to reading more of your blog. It is such a pleasure seeing the world through the O'melays eyes esp the children they are a wonder!

  3. Missed you both, but what an intense year. Glad California does agree with you...I sure do like it here, at least SF area, maybe LA is way different? All the family is sounding like all will soon be back on a smoother track, whew!

  4. Welcome back! What? You think I don't keep an eye on you wherever you are?


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