Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Time flies

The past two years since we have left Missouri many things have changed. I got my old and favorite job back. We moved back to Alameda. We rekindled many old relationships and started many more. We found a church that we love. California has embraced us with love and family. I fell sick with a bacterial infection which destroyed my heart valve. I had open heart surgery. Tabitha and the kids were horror struck with the possibility of loosing me. Our church (family), my coworkers (family), our friends (family) and neighbors (family) came to our rescue. Things were very bad but we were surrounded by love and compassion.

My recovery has been amazing, by the grace of God. Life since the operation has been gradually better and better. Kassi, Toly and Tristan take amazing art classes. We ride down to the beach on our bikes often--Rome loves the water. Tristan foil fences at the local academy. I usually go and watch him. Although, last night was my first time watching in a few weeks. He is amazing. He is really skilled, compassionate, gracious and loves it. I have gotten several promotions at work. Mostly I do what I love, so it is not really like work.

Our church is beyond words. The impossible happened we love our church so much that we miss it all week. Some of my older friends know how amazing this is. My oldest friends likely see it as a home coming.

Never during the past years did we imagine that we could own a house in California in a neighborhood that we could settle. Now it is really happening. The blessed grace that I feel overwhelms me. Thank you everyone that helped us and continue to help us. We are truly blessed to have you all.


  1. so... does this mean you DID get the house?

  2. today is the release of escrow. yes

  3. Congratulations!...so happy for your family. Can't wait to see what you do with the gardens.

  4. So good to hear you are all doing well in California. I loved it there when I lived in the Pleasanton/Livermore area.
    Im glad you have recovered well from your illness. You have a beautiful family.

  5. hope you all are well!

  6. Super! I'm so happy to hear the good news. Congratulations!

  7. Karl, I really, really can't wait until you get your new house, or any house for that matter, lol. I soooo miss watching you build stuff. Big stuff, little stuff, didn't matter, it was all cool. I was so excited seeing that barn you were building, stone work and all, also your cold cellar. I hope you get the chance to build more stuff! And I hope you post it, step by step, so I can see.

  8. So delighted in all the blessings that have come your way...we are so happy for you!! Robbyn and Jack/thebackforty


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