Friday, October 19, 2012

Hardwood floor discovery

Out tenants finally moved out. They were low-income/section-8 and lived up to most of the negative stereotypes. The house was and still is filthy. Two tons of refuse of the worst sort has already been taken to the waste transfer station. I have another huge load probably a ton or so to take this morning. I estimate another large load to follow by tomorrow. I could carry on about the filth and disgust but i need to talk of things that will be and the hope that lies there. Tabitha and I finally got down to the carpeting in the entire house and tore it up. It revealed the most beautiful surprise--lovely hardwood flooring.
this picture doesn't do this room justice. two of the rooms (living, dining) need no initial help. Our bedroom and future office need re-finishing. the upstairs needs serious repair in the front bedroom and the back bedroom seemed alright. although it was dark last night and it might reveal more today. the main room upstairs seems pretty good definitely a good sanding needed. more after todays efforts...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys got some good news after the bad things the tenants did!


The golden rule applies here...