Tuesday, November 27, 2012

progress thwarted

Tabitha and the kids are sick, something viral. I made chicken soup last night. I hope it helps them get better. I cannot take any time off from work right now. We are under a crazy year-end push and I am integral in several projects that are critical to year end materials delivery.

Poor sick family. Tristan is arguably the most ill. His cough sounds horrible. Tabitha was in-bed most of the day yesterday. Needless to say, all forward momentum has halted on home renovation.

Well wishes of healing for my family are appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your pile is feeling better. The house progress looks amazing. I like the idea of painting everything white-white to start. It makes it look so clean and like a blank canvas. I am so happy for you guys that you are in your new home. Take care!


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