Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The wee hours

If you notice in my last post the first picture, the green wall behind me needs to be re-plastered. Early yesterday morning I watched several videos and read a few DIY sites about plastering. I have wanted to learn to plaster since I read The Agony and the Ecstasy in my early 20's. While I was at work Tabitha unraveled the proverbial sweater of the entire rooms paintable surface. Decades ago some genius painted over wallpaper. The nature of plaster being a breathable surface and modern paints forming a hermetic seal caused the moisture from the decade of leaky plumbing from the adjoining bath to release the skin of paint and layer of wallpaper.

Looking over the wall that I finished last night I got considerably better at plastering. Perhaps the application of beer helped with the flowing frosting.

I am taking the morning off to vote, make a dump run and plaster a wall or two.

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