Sunday, April 28, 2013

More raised beds

These raised beds are 2ft by 4ft by 10ft. they hold about 3 yards of dirt. My exorbitantly high taxes pay for things. One of them is free compost on the last Saturday of non-winter months. We plan to exploit the heck out of this resident benefit.

I had to buy a wheel barrow for this endeavor.

I made a screen board so we could add some local soil for minerals.

Tristan was a huge help. He, Toly and I were at the secret location where compost is available at 6am. I shoveled from the pile into the truck while Tristan shoveled it deep into the bed. Toly helped too. He was in charge of knocking the huge mounds of compost down to a much flatter and manageable size. 

Black Gold...  

Toly was so insistant on helping. I didn't have anything for him so he went and found a container and filled it from the truck and drug it to the bed filled it. Drug it to the bed and emptied it--over and over and over... That boy never quits. 

A completely full bed.

Here is my work half full truck after a raised bed.


And raised bed number two.

Tristan got into the act and became very helpful.

No Bamboo, EVER..

Many more artifacts were found

Initially worms were of a huge concern. Tabitha exclaimed "We are not in Tibet" 

In the end most of them survived.

My Obama shirt is a bit more popular here than it was in Missouri.

The back of our house still a little rough. We are getting there...

Two beds are finished in the back yard. It will be two months before we can build more since we will be camping with our home schooling group during a bad time next month.


  1. What are you doing to keep the bamboo from coming back?

  2. Rachel, We will continue to dig the bamboo. eventually, we will remove that slab of concrete. we will dig it until we reach our property line then put in a deep bamboo guard. will it come back? surely it will try. at some point after months/years of not having access to light it will expend all of it's energy and die.

  3. Your garden beds are looking great! I love that everything you guys do is such a family affair and everyone gets involved to help! I found your blog a few months ago and have really been enjoying going through old posts. You and your wife are so wonderfully innovative and I have been so inspired by your ideas! I've been meaning to stop by and tell you thank you for some time. I hope you don't mind that I mentioned your blog in one of my own blog posts. Wishing your and your family the best!


  4. Kristin,
    Thank you. We don't know any other way but to involve the whole family.


  5. It's been awhile since I checked in on your guys - the kids sure have grown! Isn't it amazing how good you can feel after a couple of days of sweating and playing in the dirt? And of course there is always the payoff of goodies from the garden after all that hard work. Cheers, y'all.

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