Saturday, November 02, 2013

Post Halloween diabetic roller coaster

The kids had a blast for Halloween. We went to a local business district first. Loads of candy were consumed. Everyone gravitated toward a favorite and trading ensued. Several blocks from our house in Berkeley is the resound Halloween street of nightmares. They close off the street from cars and really embrace the holiday.

Here Rome as Buzz Lightyear is navigating the spooky path to his goal.

Tristan as the 9th doctor from Doctor Who BBC television series--yes we are nerds here. 
Toly is the redeemed Darth Vader--you can't eat candy with that mask on anyway. 
Obviously Kassi is Indiana Jones. 

The following morning, we bribed the remaining fifteen or so pounds of unconsumed candy away with a myriad of promises. Magic the gathering cards for those so inclined. A trip to In-and-Out Burger--chocolate shakes for all. And finally a trip to the YMCA pool for an extended swim. I should have also taken them to the sauna to sweat out all those toxic additives and food colorings they consumed. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of exchanging candy for fun activities! I'm definitely going try that next year!


The golden rule applies here...