Sunday, December 06, 2015

Kitchen remodel ensues...

I had to tear up the rotten flooring down to the joists.

I put in new sub-floor. The eventual final finish will be cork. 

This sub-floor was salvageable it just smells like La Brea tar pits. I scraped off the old tiles and tar to a level surface. 

I am starting to put sheet rock back on the ceiling. I insulated the exposed attic space and wired cans for the proposed lighting over the dining table and cutting board island. 

These three light cans will center on the table. See my crazy foam board and foam spray combination insulating?

This the wall behind the refrigerator, wall-oven, and pantry shelves

I'll plaster this back nice when I finish out the rest of the room. 

We got a Christmas tree the other day.

And, Georgi is a monkey girl.


  1. Looking good! I'm getting ready to wire in some new can lights on my remodel project today but I still need to do some more work before I can start sheet rocking. Every time I do that job I remember the good old days when that stuff used to weigh a ton. These days it is pretty light and can be a one man job with the right equipment.

    I can't get over how big your kids are. I remember reading about Tristan's birth and that had to be only a few years ago!

  2. Ed,

    Time has flown, the kids are growing too fast. Tristan is 13 going on 21.

    Illness has taken some of the recent wind from my sails. Tabitha helped with each piece of sheetrock--I buy the lightest weight stuff possible. I can't imagine doing it alone unless I had a sheet hoist--which I don't.


The golden rule applies here...