Saturday, June 04, 2016

Well, the kitchen is all but done.

We are still waiting for the thresholds to arrive. I bought some at the local lumber yard but they needed too much modification so I ordered the right ones and they are due to arrive soon. In the next few posts I plan to get all caught up on my kitchen construction.

Cork spread across the floor sealing things like new.

Having completed shoring the floor joists and putting down new sub-floor the first true signs of completion covered with the welcomeness of chocolate fudge on ice cream. The aforementioned hallway tangent post afforded us a true sampling of the intricacies of installing our cabinets.

Tedious planning and lucky guessing strew the myriad outlets and light switches seemingly everywhere. 

We love bright colors here at the Pile of O'Melays. The Stairs are ROY G BIV. The Hallway is bright golden yellow and the kitchen is LIME green. We plan to put up tons of frames and photos of the kids all over the kitchen walls and we wanted a bright juxtaposition. 

the moment the flooring was down we transcribed the "measuring wall" from the old kitchen trim to the new kitchen trim. 

We also moved the dining chandelier to the hallway. Albeit beautiful, it never gave off enough light in the large dining room. It really suits the hallway modeling the walls with light and shadow.


  1. Loving the changes. Like me, you guys are not afraid of color!

  2. Erin, Yes we love bright colors. Our Rainbow stair risers are over the top for most people. The kids love bright colors also, I think it is good for their developing brains.


  3. Looks good Karl! I can't remember but I'm guessing you also redid your kitchen at your previous house so now you've done the hardest room to remodel at least twice! I'm still working up the courage to do it the first time.


The golden rule applies here...