Monday, November 28, 2005

field burn

here is a picture of the field that we just burned. tristan is standing on the the same log that i am sitting on in this next photo.

tristan took this photo of me. i think he did a pretty good job.

this is a photo of that missouri splitter that ben gave me. it's grown on me. i was forced to use it, because it was all i had, and now i like it. i've used it to split about 2 cord of wood. i had to modify the handle and swing and miss a whole lot. but now i'm in much better shape, have a big pile of wood to heat the house with and can hit the spot i want almost every time.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    First of all, you're a pyromaniac. Come to terms with it, deal with it...and post more pictures of things on fire! Burn! Burn! Burn! Tristan looks great! Cool haircut! And, dammit, I gotta admit (though I know I'll regret it cuz I'm giving you Fat Matt ammo), you look great too! Envy! Envy! Envy! I'll bet the cedar and the hickory smell great in the stove!
    Uncle Matt

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    By the way, to all those reading this, Karl looks better now than he did in the eighties...that may not have sounded right, but it was supposed to be a compliment.
    Uncle Matt

  3. You're centered and your head isn't cut off! That's what I call picture success. Congrats, Tristan. ;)

  4. *grin* Pyro... :) We've been having lots of field burns too. Wood that just isn't good enough or too hard to break up to furnace size pieces. But they make for lovely bonfires. We average about two a month during the warm weather and have nine all lined up for the winter. We'll see if we get through all nine before spring. They are great for snowboarding days as long as the wind holds down.


The golden rule applies here...