Tuesday, November 29, 2005

tabitha is not feeling well

it is 12:30 am. tabitha woke me up cause she was cold and wanting some flu medicine. i hope she is better by tomorrow. i guess this virus is going around. i can't sleep usually once i'm awake. i have stoked the fire and hopefully this'll get the house warmer. i think that an overly warm house will help. it is cold out there and windy tonight. the kids also seem sickly. it really stinks when tabitha and the kids are sick.

my watch broke yesterday. that stupid watch has been on the verge for quite some time. it was a cool idea being a solar watch. but, i immediately scratched it and the time necessary to re charge it in full sun was gradually getting longer and longer while the days were getting shorter and shorter--stupid watch. finally i took to recharging it in full spectrum light. this seemed to work but it had odd results. the manual dial changer thingy stopped working. i admit it i never really sat down and tried to really figure the stupid thing out. i'd just start pushing buttons until i started to get positive results. this seemed to work for a
whatever........ the stupid watch is now completely gone. the real reason that i lament its demise is it was my only real method of keeping track of what day it is.
sure, while at the computer i have no problem but that usually happens only in the middle of the night and who cares what day it is when it is 1 am.

i've always wanted a swiss army watch but they are too pricey for our budget. especially the version that keeps track of the date also.

so i'll stop babbling about that stupid watch now.

tabitha ground some of that deer meat and made tacos last night. they were pretty good. kassi loved them. i'll probably have them for lunch today also. we are so frugal these days--necessity makes great things happen.

i talked to my family over the holiday. it is great to hear from them. so much has happened since we all last spoke. it is hard to really talk about the kids since they don't see them--and they are my every joy. it makes for awkward conversation. i hope that it gets better as time goes.


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Your family is "across the pond?"

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Sorry to hear about Tabitha and the Babies. Bundle them and kiss them warm for me. Venison tacos? Que rico! Que macho, tambien! May and Yo are gnawin' on an elk leg bone right now. Damn thing is as wide as the Xterra! Smells bad too! But they both get to chew on different ends at the same time. How about Bambi burritos?
    Uncle Matt

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